Episode 101
"Is this true?" by Lain_Mizuki, Part 1
View Episode 101
Plot Synopsis
Based on Cardcaptors, "Is this true?" is essentially a love story between Sakura Avalon and Li Showron. Li presents himself as cold and gruff to the point of being a jerk, while both of them deny their feelings and the fact that the one could ever like someone like the other. An important math test also dominates the middle of the story, during the studying of which (fractions, fractions, fractions!) Li becomes nice and civil all of a sudden to Sakura and Madison because Meilin is being very unreasonable. Part 1 ends with the cliffhanger ending: What did they score on their math test?
Host Segments
Opening Segment - The characters are introduced. Dr. K traps four teenagers in his large and spacious basement to be his unwilling test subjects as he tries to find out if fanfiction can make teenagers stupid and unwilling to commit minor acts of vandalism.
Ending Segment - Dr. K is upset that the test subjects spent the whole time riffing the work. He then proclaims that he likes a challenge and will find something that will break them.
Stinger: A math test has a certain problem it probably wishes the teacher would not discuss.
For someone who is eleven-years-old, this is not bad. The major problem is that it is based on Cardcaptors and not Card Captor Sakura, but that's more Nelvana's fault and the author's. It was spell-checked, which is more than you can say for most of the FF.net fare. And Lain_Mizuki was the first person to give me permission to MST her fic. So I say she's a good person.